HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the core technologies which help to building Web pages. HTML provides structure for web page, CSS use for layout & for a variety of devices. Along with graphics and scripting, HTML and CSS are basis of building Web pages and Web Applications.
Html is collection of tags, elements & attributes. HTML is providing a means to create structured documents by denoting structural logic’s for text such as headings, tables, links, paragraphs, lists, quotes and other items.
!DOCTYPE html :- The Document Type Declaration <!DOCTYPE html> is used for HTML5. If the declaration is not included, then various browsers will revert to “quirks mode” for rendering. HTML5 doesn’t define a DTD; So that, in HTML5 doctype declaration is simple and short.
Css:- css is cascading stylesheet which helps to modify html designs and effects. without css html is like a skeleton. css & images are soul & nature of an website. CSS is describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens,Desktop, Tab & mobile screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language. The separation of HTML with CSS makes it easier to maintain sites, share style sheets across pages, and tailor pages to different environments.